Keep an eye on these 5 Cybersecurity trends...

By: Honorbound IT Team

Keep an eye on these 5 Cybersecurity trends...

1. AI and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence and machine learning has helped and hindered cybersecurity. Attackers and defenders have used it for operations. Phishing and information theft operations are more convincing because of AI tools. The good news is response and analysis faster, also.

2. Smart Homes and IoT security

IoT devices are becoming more popular, increasing concern of cyber threats. IoT devices come with a generic password which makes it easy for someone to hack it. If they can hack into your device and it is on the same network as another more important device, it could give them the ability to hack it as well.

3. Multifactor Authentication and Going Passwordless

One of the best ways to keep your accounts safe is to use multifactor authentication. Multifactor Authentication (MFA), also known as Two-Step Verification or Two-Factor Authentication is a security process that requires more than a username and password to verify the identity of a user. It could be something you know like a password or PIN. Something you have like your phone or a USB key. It could also be a biometric like your face or fingerprints.

Many do not like multifactor authentication, so how can these users stay safe? They can go passwordless. Going passwordless is a security approach that allows users to access an application or system without entering a password. Instead of passwords, users provide other forms of identification such as biometric, passkey, QR code, hardware token code, or symbol.

4. Zero-Trust Systems

Zero-Trust is a security strategy that runs on the principle of "never trust, always verify". Instead of believing everything behind the corporate firewall is safe. The Zero-Trust model assumes breach. It verifies each request as though it originated from an uncontrolled network regardless of where the request originates or what resource it accesses.

5. Regulatory Compliance

New privacy laws and regulations have taken effect. Under these new laws the Chief Information Security Officer is liable for data breaches. Following the regulatory requirements has never been more important.

Could your business benefit from a free Cybersecurity evaluation? Are you ready to secure your company's future?  Reach out to us today at 877-686-6642.

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