Is your network cabling a royal mess?

By: Honorbound IT Team

Is your network cabling a royal mess?

Cabling installation matters! When we onboard our clients to our service, they often start with:

  • a mishmash of mixed-up cable qualities  
  • disarrayed balls of wire
  • random connectivity problems

We will save the discussion on the quality of routers and switches for another article.  It does not matter how great your other equipment is if your cabling does not support a fast and reliable user experience.  

Even for small organizations, the benefit of structured cabling outweighs the cost. Your network becomes more secure and robust with structured cabling. It also saves you money when you call for service. Your network technician is not spending hours sorting through a “rat’s nest” to find a connection that needs to be repaired or replaced.  

Structured cabling enhances the flow of information over your network. It can support any future applications without becoming outdated. Professionally designed and professionally installed cabling systems will typically last for 15-20 years.  

It is especially important not to scrimp on the quality of components. We have had experience with a company that tried to save money by buying inexpensive network cable. The cable was $69 per 1000-foot box, and they ran hundreds of cable drops.  

After installation, two problems emerged. First, when it came to testing the connections, only two in ten connections passed, and they were short runs. This is because the cable was not 100% copper. It was copper clad aluminum. The second problem was that the cable was not the correct type and did not pass code because the cable was not fire rated. They had to rip out all their work and redo the project.

Excellent quality copper cabling and connecting components are the keys to longevity. Learn from the mistakes of others. Hire a professional. Be sure they use a cable quality verifier not just a connection tester. We use a Fluke meter.

Professionally installed cable infrastructure makes your network more adaptable, particularly if you need to grow your network and make changes.  Structured cabling makes sense. It reduces the amount of time it takes to install or move any device you need to have connected.

It also does not hurt that something so good for your business can look so good! How things look says a lot about the installer and the pride they take in their work.



Would you like to receive a quote for a network overhaul? Call 877-686-6642 to schedule you network assessment today!

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