How does Malware Work?

By: Honorbound IT Team

How does Malware Work?

Malware, short for malicious software, is designed to harm or exploit devices, networks, or services. Here is how it works:

Infection: Malware infects a device through user actions like clicking on a malicious link, downloading an infected file, or visiting a compromised website. It can also spread through USB drives or network vulnerabilities.

Execution: Once on the device, the malware executes its malicious code. This can initiate a process that steals data, encrypts files, or takes control of the device.

Propagation: Some malwares can replicate and spread to other devices on the same network, increasing its reach and potential damage.

Concealment: Malware often tries to hide its presence by disabling security software or using techniques to avoid detection. Some will even lurk in the background waiting to strike.

Damage: Malware can cause system malfunctions, performance reduction or other physical harm to your computer. Leaked sensitive data can cause irreparable harm to your financial wellbeing and reputation.

To protect yourself, it is crucial to use reliable antivirus software, keep your systems updated, and be cautious about the links and files you interact with online. Become educated and cybersecurity smart! We can help you; we offer not only protection but training for businesses. The cost is a fraction of what a breach could cost your company! Give us a call today at 877-686-6642 to get yourself protected.

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