6 Reasons to Replace Your ISP Email

By: Honorbound IT Team

6 Reasons to Replace Your ISP Email

When you sign up for an internet service, most of the time the provider will provide you an email address, too. This is often used by Internet service providers (ISPs) to keep you connected to them. Changing your e-mail address can be as painful as changing your phone number!

It is convenient but this email address will not always be the best long-term solution for you. What happens if your ISP merges with another or goes out of business altogether?

That “yourname@ispprovider.com" email address may work fine. You may use it to stay connected with your family and friends. You might receive billing information to that address. You can also login to your social media and online news and shopping sites. It will work like any other e-mail address.

But relying on your ISP for your email address may not be the best strategy for you. Here are some drawbacks to consider:

1. If you rely on your @isprovider.com address, you could end up locked in with poor service or soaring prices. You feel stuck because you cannot take your email address with you if you want to switch providers.

2. Internet service providers are not in the email business. While email providers such as Gmail and Outlook are always working to improve. Your ISP may not have updated its email offerings for a decade.

3. Most ISPs have limited storage space for email. This can make your service less reliable and convenient.

4. ISPs do not make the same effort to keep your email secure and your inbox spam free. A provider more focused on email services offers more sophisticated filtering. ISP emails usually have primitive spam filtering that is easy to bypass.

5. With an ISP email, your email is often accessible only on the provider’s mail servers. You need to be able to access those servers to get to your emails. A cloud-based email provider lets you access your inbox via a web browser. So, it does not matter where you are; you can still get access.

6. You might be supporting a local ISP with your business. If that smaller provider goes bankrupt, your email address is gone forever.

Making the switch to an email provider

You may feel compelled to remain loyal to your ISP because changing your email address is a headache. Yet migrating to a web-based email provider on your terms will help.

You will have a smoother transition if your ISP allows you to download your current address book.

Make the switch to a web/cloud-based email provider. You can move ISPs without making any difference to your email communications.

You could even pay a small fee to upgrade your email with a custom domain name. You have always wanted to have your email come from @yourlastname.com because it looks cool. Or, if you have a home business, you could have your email come from @yourbusiness.com. This looks more professional, and you can move the address to any provider, as the domain is still the same.

Whether you are using an ISP or web/cloud-based email provider, it is also a clever idea to back up your emails. By downloading and backing up your email, you gain more control and peace of mind.

We can help you find the right email provider or ISP for your needs. We will help you migrate your email, and we can set up a backup too. Let us help you, call us now at (877) 686-6642.

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