Are You Protecting the Right Data?

By: Honorbound IT Team

Are You Protecting the Right Data?

You are ready to buy a BDR (Backup and Disaster Recovery). You have done all the research; found a company you are confident in and excited about having peace of mind. Now, you start thinking about exactly what you need to back up. Is all your data necessary or should you salvage a server room? Most businesses want to back up everything. You never know when you will need it, but sometimes that is cost prohibitive.   

Depending on what kind of BDR you have bought. You will first need to delegate what data you store, what is not stored, and how often. There are three distinct kinds of backup in today’s tech world.  

-->Straight to cloud services  

-->Software-based products

-->Hybrid approach that combines on-site hardware and software with the cloud.  

Other factors that need to be considered are: The amount of data you can back up, how you can segment that data, and how often do you back it up plus how you back it up (all the data every time, versus incremental backups that key-in on changes). Finally, how easy it is to access will change based on the solution you choose.  It is not always necessary to back up everything daily, but there are some things you will want to consider.

First is credit card transactions or receipts. Your accounting software should keep an eye on this and have automatic data backup. This also includes things like invoicing, receivables, payroll and about anything that is money related.  All financial things are important, even one lost invoice could hurt your business.  

Second, protect all intellectual property. Back up everything that brings you a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Anything with hack-able data you need to back up daily as well.

 Next, you will want to back up any client files. It is invaluable to keep this information safe. It would affect your client's confidence in you if you lost anything or someone stole it. Make sure you are backing up your client and prospect lists (anything that you are storing in your CRM). You spend a great deal of time developing your list for marketing purposes. One reason companies go out of business within six months of experiencing data loss is this.

 Finally, you must back up all project management software. Anything that your business uses to keep track of daily activities. Projects that you are currently working on need backed up. Make sure that you can keep progress in case of a data loss. Keep a “paper trail” on project communication.

 When it comes to BDR, you want to back up every piece of data that you have. This may be impossible based on the cost involved in supporting that large data chain. At the least, keep these items in mind and you should never have to deal with a business killing disaster.

We have several BDR options available for our business clients, we would love to discuss your options to protect your business data today.  Reach out at 877-686-6642.

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