6 Things You Should Not Do with Your Work Computer

By: Honorbound IT Team

6 Things You Should Not Do with Your Work Computer

Your work computer is a powerful tool that helps you get things done efficiently. However, it is essential to use it responsibly and avoid actions that could jeopardize your security, productivity, or professional reputation. Here are six things you should never do on a work computer:

1. Visit Websites Not Safe for Work

Avoid accessing questionable websites on your work computer. These include sites related to gambling, adult content, or illegal activities. Not only can they compromise your computer’s security, but they might also violate your company’s policies. Stick to work-related sites and trusted resources.

2. Install Unauthorized Software

Installing software without proper authorization is a big no-no. Your IT department carefully manages the software for your work computers to ensure security and compatibility. Unauthorized installations can introduce vulnerabilities, may slow down your system, or conflict with existing applications. Always consult IT before adding any new software. You may unintentionally cause workflow or communication problems, or worse yet loss of company data.

3. Share Sensitive Information

Be cautious when sharing sensitive information via email or other communication tools. Do not send confidential files, passwords, or personal data to unauthorized persons. If sharing sensitive data is part of your workflow, then make sure you are following company policies and procedures to make sure it does not get into the wrong hands. Accidental leaks can have dire consequences. Remember that work emails may be checked by your employer.

4. Use Weak Passwords

Your work computer has access to company systems, databases, and sensitive files. Never use weak passwords or reuse the same password across multiple accounts. Create strong, unique passwords and consider using a password manager to keep them secure. We recommend that you use passwords longer than 12 characters consisting of at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, a number, and a symbol.

5. Download Unverified Attachments

Think twice before downloading email attachments or files from unknown sources. Malicious attachments can hold viruses, ransomware, or other malware. Always verify the sender’s legitimacy and scan attachments with antivirus software before opening them.

6. Personalize Too Much

While it is nice to make your workspace feel comfortable, avoid excessive personalization of your work computer. Do not clutter your desktop with family photos or install distracting screensavers. Keep it professional and organized.

Remember, your work computer is a company asset, and responsible usage ensures a productive and secure work environment. Follow these guidelines to support professionalism and protect both your own interests and those of your organization.

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